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  • The Iron Fairies

    Hong Kong

    Paying homage to the beautiful and playful fairies that every fairy tale needs, Iron Fairies Hong Kong is nothing short of a fantasy come true.

LG Floor,
1-13 Hollywood Road Central,
Hong Kong

The Iron Fairies Filete

Bookings and enquiries
+852 6202 0000

The Iron Fairies Divider

Australian designer Ashley Sutton introduced Iron Fairies to Hong Kong shortly after he debuted Ophelia and J. Boroski. Paying homage to the beautiful and playful fairies that every fairy tale needs, Iron Fairies Hong Kong is nothing short of a fantasy come true. The core of its interior design is rooted from Sutton’s vision of a West Australian underground mine, filled with intricate maze-like tunnels that lead to furnaces and hidden chambers where miners do physical labour in mining and creating iron fairies in the image of the fantasy nymphs. The tale mirrors the creative dream of Sutton, who molds his inspiration to real life at Iron Fairies. Vintage brass interior, complete with images and modelled miniature fairies are as imaginative and fantastic of a fantasy come true. Winged fairies seemingly dance in the club space, as guests marvel at the impressive display of butterflies fluttering from the ceiling at Iron Fairies. The decor alone is an ode to fantasies and vivid imagination, and Iron Fairies Hong Kong is a well-loved nightlife hotspot destined to be one of the hottest and forever treasured.

The Iron Fairies Divider
The Iron Fairy
